
Where Sin Abounds: The Spread of Sin and the Curse in the Book of Genesis with Special Focus on the Patriarchal Narratives is unavailable, but you can change that!

Nearly all scholars divide Genesis into primeval and patriarchal history, though they debate the precise point of division. One reason advanced to justify the division is a thematic shift. In primeval history, the narrator focuses on the origin and spread of sin, as well as God’s consequent curse and judgment on humanity. In patriarchal history, however, the spread of sin theme falls off the...

In response to the Serpent’s slanderous insinuation of God’s malevolent intentions toward the humans and his deceitful claim about the benefits of disobedience, Eve now focuses her attention on the tree. The woman begins to assess the forbidden fruit independently.60 Eve observes three distinct aspects of the fruit. But the syntactical structure of the sentence explaining her assessment distinguishes the third description,61 making the motivation for her
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